고덕동 오십견 나이와 관계 없이

Godeok-dong, regardless of ageAs 50 shoulders, one of the degenerative diseases, develop among young people regardless of age, you need to be careful in your daily life.Various lifestyle habits that can strain your shoulders, such as forced exercise or long-term use of a smartphone or computer, can cause 50 shoulders.The 50 shoulder causes inflammation in the joint sac surrounding the shoulder, causing shoulder pain and exercise restrictions.Even if there is no special trauma, severe pain occurs when moving, making it difficult for even simple arm movements such as changing clothes.If the pain gets worse at night, it is necessary to suspect the 50-shoulder shoulder of Godeok-dong and treat it according to the condition.The name is given mainly because it occurs frequently in the 50s, and when symptoms worsen, the range of passive joint exercise is limited along with chronic pain.It is a disease caused by hardening of the joint membrane, and if it does not progress, it can be improved only by conservative treatment.Proloinjection treatment can be performed to strengthen ligaments and regenerate damaged areas.It’s a treatment that injects high levels of glucose into the damaged area and induces growth in the pain area.This can strengthen the tissue and reduce the pain burden.In the case of prolo injections, you can reduce your worries as long as you use self-healing reactions, and it takes a short time to return to your daily life quickly.In addition to 50 shoulders, diabetes and high blood pressure can be easily treated in a way that can be applied to various diseases.Shoulder pain that appears in Godeok-dong’s 50 shoulder needs to be treated and daily habits need to be improved.The shoulder, the joint with the largest range of motion in our body, sometimes needs to stretch and exercise in all directions.Stretching not only prevents 50 shoulders but also relieves symptoms.As there are various diseases that cause shoulder pain, it can be said that it is most important to visit a specialist, get an accurate diagnosis, and get appropriate treatment rather than diagnose by yourself.In this place, where rehabilitation medical specialists are stationed and directly treated, we treat them so that symptoms do not recur based on various treatment experiences and know-how.We are conducting customized treatment to identify the root cause, remove the cause, and obtain positive results, so please recover your shoulder health through treatment without pain on your shoulder.Godeok-dong, where 50 shoulder treatments are available, is a place where night care is provided until 8 p.m. every weekday, and treatment is also provided on holidays and Sundays.If you don’t usually have enough time to postpone the treatment, please reduce the burden and proceed with the treatment.Seoul Bong Rehabilitation Medical Center, 2F, Godeok-ro 353 Main Shopping Street, Gangdong-gu, SeoulSeoul Bong Rehabilitation Medical Center, 2F, Godeok-ro 353 Main Shopping Street, Gangdong-gu, SeoulPrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image

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