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Be careful not to catch a cold and how to heal tonsillitis quickly. Please respond to the cause of symptoms when you are swollen. Thank you for reading.How to take a period anthelmintic to cure a health information infection that can cause damage if you don’t know itUsually due to viruses or germs etc. You get infected, but it can happen more during the change of seasons when the daily temperature difference is so high these days. Why?It is caused by a decrease in the body’s resistance and immunity due to various causes! It refers to the occurrence of inflammation in the throat due to infection caused by bacteria.If the symptoms are severe, you may have sticky mucus in your mouth, and swelling can lead to hypertrophy of your vocal cords. How to heal quickly when you are swollenIn order not to get tonsillitis on a regular basis, you should wash your hands frequently and keep your mouth clean. 1. When you are acute, you should treat it with medicine. 2. When you are chronically ill. If you often suffer from it more than three to five times a year. Surgery may be recommended. Especially complications caused by tonsillectomy can lead to pain and bleeding and most likely occur after about a week. 3. Maintain indoor humidity. Maintain humidity by maintaining indoor humidity by keeping it at around 0.50 to 60 degrees Celsius with humidifiers and wet towels, so that your throat is not dry. 4. Vitamin D and C intake. Among vitamins, C and D are said to be effective in killing viruses by increasing NK cells and immune cells.What is tonsillitisWhen tonsillitis is the most severe, like these days, it seems to be the most severe change of seasons.It is said that the incidence rate is relatively low for age groups other than the younger ones. SymptomsIt’s often acutely common, and especially for children, before they go to school. It’s divided into two categories: the virus is the cause and then the bacterial cause. And in adolescence and in young adults, it’s said that they often have acute tonsillitis.When I once wore a mask due to COVID-19, it was a lot of help and prevention, but now it is recommended to wear a mask, and I heard that more people are visiting the hospital due to cold again. Especially when I swallow my saliva, it hurts a lot. I heard it comes! In times like this, how to heal tonsillitis faster. About the cause and symptoms when it’s swollen.It causes inflammation in the throat, causes pain, and can be accompanied by high fever and sore throat. When inflammation occurs in the pharyngeal muscles, various symptoms such as headache, fever, and general weakness appear.

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