예비초6 겨울방학 과학공부 – 자율주행차 &드론

When it comes to a topic, I always start by organizing it like this. If you read it step by step, you can get basic information.

Last week, the 6th grader in elementary school talked about artificial intelligence with her mother for a long time. She said that she is in favor of the convenience of artificial intelligence, and that she wants to become a researcher who studies artificial intelligence, so she wants to study the self-control of artificial intelligence about the development of artificial intelligence, which everyone is worried about. First of all, I’m on the defense side. ^^The child’s opinion is in favor of self-driving cars, but after seeing the accident of self-driving cars on the video last week, they say manual driving is still necessary. DroneIt came out on video about drones, and it was great that the early model information of the drones came out on video. It was just a bit unfortunate that they were used for war mainly for military purposes.After learning about artificial intelligence and self-driving cars, I learned drones today. My child loves drones, too. I’ve experienced a lot, and I have several drones at home. This learning also taught me the history and problems of drones.I learned more about self-driving cars last week, so I was writing down my thoughts on whether the use of artificial intelligence would be effective for humans. I had to write down my arguments first and provide three reasons. And I also had to write down the solution. They told me to write down my arguments in a concise and clear summary of two lines.I’ve come across newspaper articles delivered by drones a few times. Food delivery costs are also very expensive these days, but I wondered if it could be cheaper if it is delivered by drones. lol If drones deliver goods, it would be good for oil prices and labor costs, but I also think the jobs of delivery drivers would be lost.I think an hour and a half passes by when I take a look at the problem before watching the video, share my opinions, and even take notes while watching the video. However, I think that if you organize these latest issues well, it will definitely help a lot in the direction in which your child is going to study. I’m proud of our 6th grader, who studied diligently today. ^^I’ve already been taking classes on self-driving cars since last week. This week, we’ve looked at the final topic, the discussion overview, and how the child thinks about this topic.#ScienceVideo #ScienceLatestIssues #TeacherAn Otter #TeacherSupporters #TeacherAnYoungjaeScience Lab #GiftedScience #TeacherAnScience #TrendyScienceMy preliminary elementary 6 daughter is taking a trendy science class with the latest issues of Mr. Otter during the winter vacation. This is the 4th class, and following last week, we learned about autonomous vehicles and then learned about drones. The things I learn in the technology section are artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, drones, and the Internet of Things. These topics have a lot to do with the software major that Mr. Ipoo is interested in, so I’m listening more intensively. Mr. Otter’s latest issue trend science-technology section-a self-driving car

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